AARC.org In the News

Get 50 Free Copies of our New Tobacco Cessation Guide

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June 13, 2013

AARC members can now sign up to receive 50 free copies of a new patient guide on tobacco cessation designed especially to help therapists educate their patients on the need to kick the habit.

Created by the AARC’s Tobacco-Free Lifestyle Roundtable, the “Why Quit Using Tobacco?” guide can be used in the inpatient or outpatient setting and is intended to augment individualized tobacco cessation counseling delivered by a respiratory therapist. The booklet provides a ten-step plan for becoming tobacco-free, the top five reasons for quitting, an understanding of nicotine and its effects, and an overview of the types of helpful medications.

Additional copies may be purchased by members and nonmembers in the AARC Store