AARC.org In the News

First Five Summer Bulletins Online Now

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August 1, 2014

The Adult Acute Care, Continuing Care/Rehabilitation, Diagnostics, Education, and Home Care Sections have just published the Summer issues of their Bulletins. Here are your direct links to these informative publications:

Adult Acute Care: Section Chair Keith Lamb provides a great overview of hypoxia and hypoxemia and how we need to keep the patient (not the textbook) foremost in our minds when dealing with these gas exchange derangements. From there, we have an informative article on apnea testing for brain death and aftercare for organ donation. 

Continuing Care/Rehabilitation: Editor Arianna Villa offers three interesting articles in this issue. The first takes a closer look at the need to regulate e-cigarettes, the second addresses sleep quality in patients with COPD and how rehab may help, and the third examines the “diagnostic process” of COPD.

Diagnostics: Must read articles in this issue include a piece on z-scores, a look at infection control in the PFT lab, and an overview of combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema syndrome. Our Quarterly Case Report focuses on calibration verifications vs. biologic controls and we close out the issue with an interesting (and amusing) incident that occurred recently in Editor Jeffrey Haynes’ lab.

Education: Editor Bob Fluck kicks things off with a Notes column on giving back to the profession and from there Section Chair Joe Sorbello addresses words to work and live by and our never-ending need to be connected to our electronic devices. 

Home Care: Section Chair Kimberly Wiles offers an insightful look at the opportunity home care therapists have to redefine their role and we also have a great article on thinking outside of the box in today’s home care environment.

The remaining five Specialty Section Bulletins — Long Term Care, Management, Neonatal-Pediatrics, Sleep, and Surface & Air Transport — will publish their Summer editions next month.

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To learn more about the AARC Specialty Sections, visit our Specialty Section web page.