AARC Benchmarking System

AARC Benchmarking System Detailed Information


The AARC benchmarking system captures metrics that are common to all departments, associated with CPT codes, easily collected, and represent a majority of the work performed in most departments. By capturing a common set of elements consistently, the data reported should be much “tighter” and more useful in accurately ranking performance. In addition, much of the “extra” activity departments perform is captured in the 64 question profile, and all subscribers have access to everyone’s profile information to set up compare groups, investigate best practice, or find out why they rank in a given position within any selected compare group.

The AARC benchmarking system report generators also provide some unique benefits, including:

  • Easy selection of compare groups using the default function, by selecting specific facilities, or by using any element in the profile.
  • The ability to save your custom compare groups for future use, again with tools that make them easy to define, name, edit, select, or delete.
  • Point and click selection of metrics to graph.
  • A report listing compare group facilities, with the ability hyperlink directly to their data or profile.
  • Real time selection and editing of percentile targets to determine cost impact of various percentile ranks.

View instructional videos that explain how to use the AARC Benchmarking System:

Step 1: Entering Hospital and Department Profile Information
Tom Malinowski, RRT, FAARC
Step 2: Entering Quarterly Workforce and Clinical Volume Information
Rick Ford, BS, RRT, FAARC
Describes functionality of the benchmarking website and demonstrates step-by step instructions for entering required worked hour and procedural data. 30 minutes.
Step 3: Establishing Comparison Groups & Generating Reports
Rob Chatburn, RRT-NPS, FAARC
Step 4: Interpreting AARC Benchmarking Data—The Basics
Rick Ford, BS, RRT, FAARC

Contact Timothy Myers with questions on the program at 972-358-0018.

Supported in part by an unrestricted educational grant from Cardinal Health and Dräger Medical.

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