White Papers
Best Practices in Respiratory Care Productivity and Staffing
This White Paper offers guidance to ensure that respiratory care productivity and staffing levels are provided within acceptable standards of practice recognized by the profession and that patient safety is protected.
Concurrent Therapy
The AARC speaks out against the practice of concurrent therapy, or stacking.
Development of Baccalaureate and
Graduate Education
The AARC offers this white paper on the development of higher education
opportunities for respiratory therapists.
Guidance Document on Scope of Practice
The AARC Board of Directors ratified a Guidance Document regarding other
professions or occupations whose scope of practice or common procedures
may overlap with respiratory therapy.
Overview of the Medicare Program
A white paper providing a general description of Medicare.
AARC White Paper on the RRT Credential
This document provides information on the reasons an individual should obtain the RRT credential.
Respiratory Care: Advancement
of the Profession Tripartite Statements of Support
The AARC, NBRC and CoARC have issued a statement on the advancement
of the profession.
Smallpox Guidance Document
This document is intended to provide guidance to respiratory care managers
involved in developing a smallpox health care team at their facilities.
Study on The Effect of State Regulation of Respiratory Therapy Practitioners on Salaries and Vacancy Rates
Researchers at the University of Alabama discovered that the positive association between state regulation and salaries of RT department workers, it was small in relation to factors. In addition, this study found no consistent association between state regulation and vacancy rates in respiratory therapy.
Utilization in Respiratory Care
A white paper describing utilization review in acute and post acute settings.
Ventilator Acquisition Guidance Document
This document gives recommendations about ventilator acquisitions and other issues that should be considered when planning for a pandemic flu or other mass casualty event.