State Society Resources

Delegate Assistance

Delegations needing financial assistance to attend House of Delegates meetings may apply for funds through the Delegate Assistance Committee. Funds shall be disbursed by the committee in accordance with established and approved policy HD010, as well as the AARC Bylaws, Article VII, Section 3a.

Decisions on approved funds are made based upon several factors:

It is required that affiliates send a Delegate to each meeting. The committee would like to ensure all states are represented and strives to be as fair a possible. The AARC is looking at ways to assist those affiliates that may be struggling financially or organizationally. If there are other ways we can assist, please contact the Delegate Assistance Committee Chairs.

General Guidelines
  • Hotel room rates will be funded at one-half of the double occupancy rate, including tax (maximum 3 nights for summer/4 nights for winter if the delegate attends the annual business meeting). If funding is approved by the committee, it will be the responsibility of the attending delegate to locate a roommate. Delegates funded for the additional night, but do not attend the Annual Business Meeting will be responsible for refunding the allowance for the additional night.

  • The cost of ground transportation will be funded at the lowest rate determined by the AARC. This value will auto fill in the application.

  • Funding for air travel will not exceed the lowest rate obtainable through the Association's travel agency; proposed airline itineraries will need to be uploaded into the application, preferably in PDF format. The itinerary should include: 1) departing/arriving cities, 2) departing/returning days, 3) departure/ arrival times, 4) specific flight numbers, 5) fare class, 6) cost details, and 7) if you have used the AARC discount code.

  • The affiliate's most recent completed 990 tax form will need to be uploaded in the application, preferably in PDF format. The previous year is preferred, although the Summer meeting often falls prior to the IRS deadline, so the year prior will be accepted for Summer applications. If E-post card 990 is filed, please provide Profit & Loss statement.

  • Only one (1) member of a Chartered Affiliate's delegation will be funded unless there are excess budgeted funds available.

  • If the requested funding exceeds the budgeted amount, funds will be distributed based on a percentage of total dollars budgeted to total dollars approved. It will be the responsibility of the Chartered Affiliate to fund the remainder of the dollar amount.

  • Those affiliates with lowest funds available in their budget will be priority and may be approved at a higher percentage than those with more sufficient funds.

  • The Co-chairs of the Delegate Assistance Committee shall verify that the data on the application forms is correct, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure that all of the information relating to each Chartered Affiliate funding request is mailed to each committee member. When the committee considers a Chartered Affiliate's projected expenses excessive, the Co-chairs will be directed to investigate.

  • The Delegate Assistance Committee, by majority vote, will approve requests for delegate funding assistance. In the event of a tie, the Co-chairs will make the deciding vote. If Co-chairs are not in agreement, the house officer liaison will make the final decision.

  • Final notification of the committee's decision will be made to all applicants at least thirty (30) days prior to the next House meeting.