AARC.org In the News

AARC Members to Participate in NIOSH Survey

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January 18, 2011

On January 31, 2011, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), will be launching the online Health and Safety Practices Survey of Healthcare Workers. 

A random sample of members of AARC will be invited to participate in the survey. “If you are selected, AARC encourages you to participate in the survey, as we are very interested in any data that can lead to your improved health and safety,” said Karen Stewart, AARC President.

The survey, which is anonymous and voluntary, asks about health and safety practices and types of exposure controls used by healthcare workers who handle or come in contact with hazardous chemical agents.  The chemical agents under study include aerosolized medications, chemical sterilants, high level disinfectants, antineoplastic agents, surgical smoke, and anesthetic gases.  Information regarding other health and safety hazards is also being collected. 

NIOSH will prepare a report presenting aggregate data from all respondents from AARC, which will be made available when complete.

Questions about the survey, please contact either of the following NIOSH project staff: Jim Boiano (jboiano@cdc.gov; 513-841-4246) or Andrea Steege (asteege@cdc.gov;  513-841-4538).