AARC.org In the News

Submit Your Clinical Article Ideas to AARC Times

March 9, 2011

The editorial staff of AARC Times magazine is gathering clinical topics for upcoming issues of the magazine.

An AARC Times clinical article provides a literature review of a respiratory disease and/or treatment and discusses the respiratory therapist's ideal role. It includes references and graphics. All clinical articles for AARC Times are reviewed by respiratory care professionals to ensure accuracy and relevance to AARC Times readers. These articles do not include original research.

Please submit all clinical topic ideas by using the form below; include a brief explanation of why you believe these clinical topics would be important to AARC Times readers. Thank you in advance, and we hope to see your article ideas soon!

Your Name and Credentials:
Your Job Title and Place of Employment:
Your City and State:
Title and Brief Description
of Your Article Idea: