AARC.org In the News

DRIVE4COPD Launches Adopt-A-Company

May 12, 2011

AARC launched its 2011 effort with the DRIVE4COPD campaign by announcing a project called Adopt-A-Company.

Here are the steps you’ll take. Full instructions are on our site. It’s easy!

  1. Get approval from your hospital
  2. Make a short list of companies to consider
  3. Register those companies
  4. Reach out to your company
  5. Host a screening event in the fall
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AARC members will be asked to work with or “adopt” a company in their local area to which they will provide information on COPD.

One important aspect of the program will be providing information to that company that they might use to review their annual Health Risk Assessment (HRA) forms or wellness programs. Many companies undertake an HRA each year and including the five questions from the DRIVE4COPD screener form will help identify those at risk for COPD.

Employers should care about this because up to 70% of those with COPD are still in the workforce.

Step-by-step instructions, talking points, and a registration form to adopt your company are available online.