AARC.org In the News

Champion the Use of Spirometry

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June 14, 2012

What’s World Spirometry Day?

It’s a day to raise awareness of lung health and disease by promoting spirometry.  Championed by the Forum of International Respiratory Societies, World Spirometry Day is June 27. AARC is also an official supporter of the event.

Like its cousins World COPD Day and World Asthma Day, this lung health event will be featured around the world, and gives us all great opportunities for promoting and featuring to work of respiratory therapists in the diagnosis and treatment of lung disease.

“WSD 2012 will launch on June 27 but testing will not be limited to this day alone. Participants are encouraged to capitalize on the Olympics and hold events in the run up to the games on July 27 and beyond,” says the World Spirometry Day website.

By using the Olympics as a launchpad, World COPD Day features several individuals they call “Lung Champions,” who have excelled in sports.

“Since World Spirometry Day is just the start of a summer-long focus on lung health and Olympic achievement, we encourage our members to use this as a media opportunity for respiratory therapists,” said Karen Stewart, AARC President.

AARC offers the following tips for you to break in to the media market in your town and showcase lung health and respiratory care.

Spirometry Facts and Figures

Courtesy of the World Spirometry Day website:

World Spirometry Day

12 Reasons for Taking a Spirometry Test

If you identify with any of the reasons below, take a spirometry test to check out your lung health.

  1. You are, or have been a smoker
  2. You have been more breathless in recent years
  3. You can’t walk up the stairs without experiencing shortness of breath
  4. You can’t exercise as well as you used to
  5. You are worried about your performance during sports and exercise
  6. You have had a cough for many months or years (e.g a smoker’s cough)
  7. You tend to wheeze in recent years
  8. You cough up mucus (phlegm) even when you haven’t got a cold
  9. You have previously been given treatment (e.g. an inhaler) for a lung disease
  10. You have worries about your lung health
  11. You feel as though you're not getting enough air
  12. You experience pain when breathing in or out

Please note: Some lung symptoms may have causes which will not be detected by spirometry. If you have symptoms such as coughing up blood, weight loss, or develop a new symptom which seems to be getting worse, it is important that you consult your doctor.