AARC.org In the News

Activate Your Journal Subscription in 5 Quick Steps

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January 23, 2013

RESPIRATORY CARE launched a brand new website late last year with lots of great features that make it easier to navigate the Journal online. Now you can link to Email Alerts to receive the table of contents for each new issue, view papers published ahead of print, view full text in HTML, search for content, download to a citation manager, email citations to your colleagues, post citations on Facebook, and much, much more.

The site has been open access for the past few weeks, but all that will end on Feb. 4. Beginning on the fourth, only AARC members or non-members with a Journal subscription will have access to the site, and to acquire that access, everyone (members and non-member subscribers alike) will need to go online and activate their Journal subscription.

Activating is a simple, one-time process that can be accomplished in just five quick steps. This visual tutorial will walk you through the process.

Once you’ve completed step 5, you’ll receive an email confirming your subscription and will be all set to continue enjoying all of the enhanced features on the new Respiratory Care site after open access ends on Feb. 4.