AARC AnAARCAARC Science Journal Updates Website, Now Features ePub Articles
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AARC Science Journal Updates Website, Now Features ePub Articles 

Dallas, TX (March 11, 2011) 

Respiratory Care , the peer-reviewed science journal of the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC), has updated its website to include an online “digimag” format, a new “ePub ahead of print” feature, and full text papers in HTML format with cross linking to references.

All of the new features are available free of charge to AARC members and other subscribers, who can access them by logging onto the Journal website at www.RCJournal.com . Content more than a year old is now available to non-subscribers as well. 

The new digimag format allows subscribers to turn the pages of the Journal much as they would turn the pages of the print edition of the publication, making it easy for them to read Respiratory Care on a computer screen in a format identical to the one they are accustomed to seeing in the print edition.

The addition of “ePub ahead of print” papers gives subscribers the opportunity to read the latest research accepted for publication by the Journal months before it appears in the print edition, ensuring a rapid dissemination of the most recent scientific evidence in the field. Available in PDF format, these papers are generally up on the website within a couple of weeks of acceptance.

The new HTML format with cross-linking to references is especially designed for readers and researchers who want instant access to the papers cited in Journal articles. With this format, each of the references is actually a hypertext link that will take the reader right to the articles being referenced.

The website changes join other changes at the Journal, including a marked increase in article submissions, that have taken place over the past few years and are increasing the stature of Respiratory Care in the peer-reviewed medical publishing arena.

About the AARC

The American Association for Respiratory Care, headquartered in Dallas, is a professional association of respiratory therapists that focuses primarily on respiratory therapy education and research. The organization's goals are to ensure that respiratory patients receive safe and effective care from qualified professionals as well as supporting respiratory health care providers. The association continues to advocate on behalf of pulmonary patients for appropriate access to respiratory services provided by qualified professionals. Further information about the AARC and how to become a respiratory therapist are available at www.AARC.org


Contact: Beth Binkley